MP#33: Survey-driven content strategy

MP#33: Survey-driven content strategy

Marketing Powerup #33: Peter Caputa, CEO of Databox, dives into the power of survey-driven content and how it can fuel your marketing strategy.

Today's Marketing Powerups include:

  • A formula to get better responses from ChatGPT.
  • 11 observations from Google’s AI-powered search experience.
  • Peter Caputa’s survey-driven content strategy.

Ready? Let's go!

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✨ Mini powerups

Five fun-sized blurbs and links to help boost your marketing.

11 observations from testing Search Generative Experience:

Kevin Indig (Growth Advisor and former Director of SEO at Shopify) spent countless hours stress testing Google's new AI-powered search experience SGE (Search Generative Experience) since it opened access last week. He shares 11 early observations from training it for a week. The one I found the most interesting is that websites might increase the chance of ranking in the carousel through AI Snapshots.

The 3-part formula to get better ChatGPT responses:

ChatGPT is a free personal assistant to help you create content and launch marketing campaigns faster. But only if you write proper prompts. I love this simple prompt formula: "Acting as a (ROLE) perform (TASK) in (FORMAT).” I’ve used it for crafting headlines, subject lines, and more!

SEO skills are even MORE in demand in an AI world:

Eli Schwartz (Author of Product-Led SEO) gives an interesting take that AI-based Google search makes SEO skills more valuable. Yes, generative AI responses may lower clickthrough rates by close to 100% (when the responses are accurate). The playbook of "write content on popular keywords" is dead. But he argues that demand for skilled strategic SEO thinkers will soar.

Every marketer going through the AI revolution should read this:

Eddie Shleyner (Founder of VeryGoodCopy) suggests every marketer and writer read Robin Williams’ monologue in Good Will Hunting. “Huh?!” you might ask. I had the same reaction! I don’t want to spoil it. Go read it for yourself!

Most people haven’t used ChatGPT:

As marketers, we’re probably tired of hearing about AI and ChatGPT. Chances are that you’ve tried it. What’s true for us isn’t true for the general public. Researchers at Pews Research Center found that only 14% of U.S. adults have tried ChatGPT.

✨ Survey-driven content strategy

Want to create content that stands out from the noise?

One way to do that is to take survey data and package it up into bite-sized, actionable information that you can share with your audience.

Doing this has many advantages, including:

🤔 Compelling, citable, and hard to copy.

Survey data is trustworthy and objective, making it more likely to be ranked higher by search engines like Google, which can lead to more traffic and backlinks.

🚙 Impacts every stage of the customer journey.

Survey data can help identify customer needs and validate value propositions, positioning, and perspectives. Companies can create conversations with their prospects that impact their journey by using survey data to create content that doesn't feel salesy.

💸 Creates interesting insights that leads to sales conversations.

By using tried and true survey design principles, companies can uncover insights that are unique and valuable. For example, in the Databox’s 2023 State of Business Reporting, companies that shared their performance data internally were found to be higher performing. This insight helps Databox promote its product and encourage customers to use it better.

In the latest Marketing Powerups episode, Peter Caputa (CEO of Databox) shares the 3 steps to creating survey-driven content.

I’ve created a powerups cheatsheet exclusively for Marketing Powerups subscribers to download, fill in, and apply Peter’s 3 steps to creating survey-driven content.

You can download and make a copy of it here (a direct link with no email required).

If you want to dig deeper into the survey-driven content strategy, Listen to the episode on Apple Podcast and Spotify now, or watch it on YouTube.


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    Written by

    Ramli John

    Ramli John

    Ramli John is the founder of Marketing Powerups and author of the bestselling book Product-Led Onboarding. He's worked with companies such as Appcues, Mixpanel, and Ubisoft to accelerate their growth.

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