Justin Simon, a content strategy consultant, shares his 3C Content Repurposing Strategy for getting off the content creation hamster wheel.
"Reduce, reuse, and recycle."
Those three things can help save the environment by keeping useful materials out of landfills. But they can also help you get off the "content creation hamster wheel."
Instead of creating a new piece of content every week, you repurpose it to multiple types of format. For example, you can turn a blog post into an infographic, podcast, or video.
The benefit? It makes content MUCH easier to scale.
In other words: you don’t need to write every post, shoot every video and design every infographic from scratch.
Justin Simon (a Content Strategy Consultant and Host of Distribution First Podcast) eats, sleeps, and dreams about content repurposing all day.
Today, Justin shares his 3C Content Repurposing Framework.
In this Marketing Powerups episode, you’ll learn:
- Why content distribution is so important.
- The benefits of considering content distribution first.
- Justin’s 3C content strategy.
- How diversification accelerated Justin’s content career.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcast and Spotify now, or watch it on YouTube.
When you're in scale-up mode, and you have KPIs to hit, the pressure is on to deliver demos and signups.
And it's a lot to handle: demand gen, email sequences, revenue ops, and more! That’s where 42/Agency, founded by my friend Kamil Rextin, can help you.
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If you’re looking for performance experts and creatives to solve your marketing problems at a fraction of the cost of in-house, look no further.
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⭐️ The 3C Content Repurposing Strategy
Churning out a constant stream of fresh content can feel like running on a "content creation hamster wheel." Marketers often get caught in a cycle of keeping up with the relentless demand for new content.
It's why Justin Simon created the 3C Content Repurposing Strategy, which revolves around creating one central piece of content and then repurposing it into smaller, more digestible content. The key is forming a cohesive strategy where everything connects, maximizing efficiency and engagement.
1. Cornerstone Content 🗿
Cornerstone Content serves as the foundation of this strategy. It's a significant piece of work that requires an in-depth approach. This could be original research, digital events, ultimate guides, or online courses.
2. Core Content 🎯
Once you have your Cornerstone Content, you can repurpose it into more manageable core content monthly or weekly.
"The Core content pieces are more the monthly weekly rhythm things. So you could think about like blog posts or podcast episodes or webinars, just these kind of more generalized pieces of content that we're creating."
3. Cut Content ✂️
Finally, you can further break down Core Content into Cut Content—bite-sized pieces suitable for social media posts, tweets, short-form videos, or email newsletters.
According to Simon, these smaller pieces of content can "start in the outline phase to know what those things are you want to do... and then to cut is it gives you an excuse to then get that back out to your audience in a different way."
Putting the 3C Content Strategy together
The 3C Content Strategy usually works top-down, creating Cornerstone Content that you repurpose into Core and Cut Content. But it can also go bottom-up, using social content to validate the creation of larger pieces of content.
"You can use social content as a litmus test for content ideas. Once, a topic I posted on LinkedIn resonated with many people. Seeing their interest, I expanded it into a detailed series for my newsletter."
Free powerups cheatsheet
🎉 About Justin Simon
Justin Simon is a seasoned content strategy consultant with over a decade of experience in content marketing. Passionate about content repurposing, Justin developed the 3C content strategy to help marketing and content teams create consistent, cohesive, and complementary content across various channels. He was previously a senior content marketing manager at Metadata.io.
🕰️ Timestamps and transcript
- [00:00:00] Content Repurposing and Distribution Strategy with Justin Simon
- [00:01:15] The Importance of Content Distribution in Marketing
- [00:06:10] Benefits of Content Distribution Strategy
- [00:08:27] Maximizing Content Value Through Repurposing
- [00:09:45] The 3C Content Strategy: Creating a Comprehensive Content Calendar
- [00:18:06] Strategies for Cornerstone Content and Repurposing
- [00:19:45] Choosing the Right Channel for Your Content Marketing Efforts
- [00:22:50] Leveraging AI and Content Distribution for Effective Content Repurposing
- [00:27:03] The 3 C Methodology: How to Improve Video Marketing
- [00:27:40] Content Repurposing Roadmap: Tips for Career Power-ups
- [00:30:03] Justin Simon on Curiosity and Self-Learning in Marketing Career
- [00:32:12] Maximizing Your Content's Reach through Repurposing and Distribution
- [00:38:24] Marketing Powerups Podcast: Justin Simon Discusses Content Repurposing Roadmap
Episode transcript
[00:00:00] Content Repurposing and Distribution Strategy with Justin Simon
[00:00:00] Ramli John: Use and recycle. Now, you can apply this plastic, but you can also apply it to content. That's what content repurposing is all about. That's when you recycle one piece of content, let's say a blog post, and turn it into other formats like infographics or a podcast or even a video. And the benefits to this is that it's so much easier to create content and scale it. In other words, you don't have to write every post or shoot every video or design every infographic from scratch. You have this core element or content that you can use for those other three types. And the person who loves talking about this is Justin Simon. He is a Content strategy consultant and the host of The Distribution First Show Eats, Sleeps and dreams about content repurposing all day. In this Marketing Pops episode, you learn first, why content distribution is so important to every content strategy. Second, the benefits of considering distribution 1st, 3rd, Justin's three C content Strategy and number four, how diversification has helped accelerate Justin's content career. Before we get started, I've created a free PowerUp Street Sheet that you can download, fill in and apply Justin's three C content Strategy. Right now. You can go Marketing Powerups.com or find those links in the Show Notes and description. Are you ready? [00:01:13] Justin Simon: Let's go.
[00:01:15] The Importance of Content Distribution in Marketing
[00:01:15] Ramli John: Marketing Powerups. [00:01:18] Justin Simon: Ready? [00:01:19] Ramli John: Go. Here's your host, Rambly Jaw. Talk about marketing powerups, particularly about content distribution. Now I know why it's so important, but like, you've kind of really niche down on this topic. Why is it so important to you? And why should it be so important to marketing marketing teams that they should be considering content distribution first? Like with your podcast show, which I'll link in the Show notes for sure. [00:01:54] Justin Simon: Yeah, for me, it's honestly come out of a decade of experience doing content and running content teams, doing content as a solo marketer, and doing that in a bunch of different ways. And really, the transition for me was when I went from being kind of an individual contributor like writer to running a team and being tracking metrics and understanding what's working and what's not working and how to be responsible. For a team and not only responsible for what we were outputting, but responsible for the work they were doing and how they did in their career. So I felt a very strong weight to be a good manager and be a good kind of steward of their time and what they were working on. And what I realized was we were creating gobs of content, really too much content without a real plan of like, okay, how is our audience seeing this? How are we going to get that in front of our audience, whether that's organic or paid? And what I realized at the end of the day was we were most likely creating more content than our distribution channels could even manage. So if you think about I use this analogy on one of my shows, but I'm going to flip it and use it in a different way. If you think about it, kind of like car lanes, we only had four car lanes, but we had a massive traffic jam of content that just kept getting loaded every single week with more stuff. And we only had X amount of social channels, email. And so then you end up fighting over who sends this email on this day, or who we've got six things we want to communicate. How do we not span people? It just becomes this whole thing. And so that's where I think marketing teams can really using distribution first, and the methodology that I talk about and help companies implement is really focusing on where are you getting your content in front of your audience, and then reverse engineering what you actually need from there. Because most of the times with the companies that I end up working with, they're like, oh, we're creating way too much stuff because it's just the habit of production. [00:04:06] Ramli John: Right? And what you just described sounds like a whole thing that I've heard. The content hamster wheel just like, let's produce more, let's produce more. And typically the reason why they're trying to produce more is like, Google would love search engines would love to publish every day. But the problem with that is often when there's a high output, what it's produced is like subpar B plus content rather than what you're probably thinking about is like a plus and then distributing it. Is that what engine hearing? That's how you're thinking about it? [00:04:44] Justin Simon: Yeah, totally. And I sort of cut my teeth in content marketing on the SEO side. Really? So that was the mentality. It was like, let's create two blog posts a week. We're doing eight a month, we're putting out all these things, we're trying to work with these writers. That's a lot of content that you're coming through, especially when we're talking about 1000 to 2000 words. And you're expected to kind of manage all that on the back end of that, which people don't ever think about too, is the long term management of that content, once you build that library up, to constantly keep it fresh and keep it relevant and keep it new. And so you're not only creating that content originally, but then you have to manage it. And yes, I have 1000% been on the hamster wheel, 1000% burned out, trying to constantly keep up and create and do all these things. And sometimes, too, it's funny, both for me and other people I've talked to, other VPs at different companies, they recognize it too. When they go back and audit their website content, they realize, oh, we posted roughly the same piece of content. Like it's almost identical. Just a slight twist, like this year, last year, and the year before. And so you just end up duplicating all these it's just duplicate effort when it really doesn't have to be there. [00:06:07] Ramli John: That's so true. I think that's a really good point.
[00:06:10] Benefits of Content Distribution Strategy
[00:06:10] Ramli John: I think you've started to break down, like, what are the benefits of content distribution? Thinking about that first, I'm fully in. But for people who are still like Justin Rally, we don't really need to talk, but take a month, let's just produce content. Can you break down just a few benefits of thinking about content? You should be first, like you're thinking about yeah, you've already mentioned a few, but if you can just list it. [00:06:33] Justin Simon: Down at this moment yeah, at the start, I think most teams get excited about getting more out of less. So that's where distribution can help, because you can create less, but you can still make a really big impact because you can take the things that you are creating and get them out in front of your audience more often. The other benefit with that is if you get the message right in that piece of content, let's say you create a really good, solid piece of content that fits your audience. What happens most of the time when distribution isn't thought of first is you hit publish. You maybe talk about it for a week on social media and maybe send one email, and then you never talk about it again. And I've seen this cycle, I dealt with this cycle, and I see the cycle all the time with different companies, and that's how that hamster wheel starts. So what it allows you to do is not only get those messages out, but help your audience be able to understand what those messages are that you want to say over and over again. Because it's like we want our audience to know what we care about and how we can help them and what that looks like. Well, if you spend the time creating a really good piece of content, that's thought leadership or something else, that's like your take in the marketplace, and you only share it once and then only a subset, maybe Max 20% max is going to see that. So you have 80% of your audience that's never seen it, and even of even of those 20% that saw it, they need to see it seven or eight times before it even starts to click. And so that's why I always say, by the time you're getting bored of your content or your message, your audience is just catching on. And that's what I always say. And so I think that's another core benefit of distribution is being able to get your messages out in a continuous fashion that actually helps them start to memorize what you do.
[00:08:27] Maximizing Content Value Through Repurposing
[00:08:27] Ramli John: Before I continue, I want to thank the sponsor for this episode 42 agency. Now when you're in scale up growth mode and you have to hit your KPIs, the pressure is on to deliver demos and sign ups. And it's a lot to handle. There's demand gen, email sequences, rev ops, and more. And that's where 42 Agency, founded by my good friend Camille Rexton can help you. They're a strategic partner that's helped B two B SaaS companies like Profitable, Teamwork, Sprout, Social, and Hub Doc to build a predictable revenue engine. If you're looking for performance experts and creatives to solve your marketing growth problems today and help you build the foundations for the future, look no further. Visit 40 Twoagency.com to talk to a strategist right now to learn how you can build a high efficiency revenue engine. Or you can also find that link in the show notes and description. Well, that's it for now. Let's get back to the episode that brings up this forget if it's an education rule or like you're trying to teach something to somebody, you got to repeat it like three or four times before it actually starts to ingrain in them, whether that's physics or English or something like that. And it's really about this. You're kind of getting people to consume it in many different ways so that they really get the message that you have, which totally makes sense and I love that.
[00:09:45] The 3C Content Strategy: Creating a Comprehensive Content Calendar
[00:09:45] Ramli John: And part of all of this, what you're talking about is you've created this three C content strategy kind of helps you map out a content calendar so that with a great piece of content, you can repurpose it in many ways. Can you talk about this three C? What is it and how can it help marketing teams and content teams produce a content calendar going forward? [00:10:11] Justin Simon: Yeah, absolutely. The three C method is not all that different from other things that have been talked about. It's just a different way to kind of reframe it. How I think about it is if you think about a pyramid, at the top of the pyramid, you have this core piece of content. It's something you're not going to do a ton because it's super in depth. And most companies do this type of content, whether it's original research, whether it's sort of the classic ebook or gated piece of these things that they're trying to do, maybe once a quarter, a few times a quarter, really like cornerstone pieces of content at the top. And then from there it's core content. So a layer underneath and those are more the monthly weekly rhythm things. So you could think about like blog posts or podcast episodes or webinars, just these kind of more generalized pieces of content that we're creating. And then underneath that is cut content, which are all of those micro pieces of content, social content, emails, et cetera. And how I like to think about using this is, like you said, to build out a content calendar. And what it allows you to do is start at the top. So if you have a piece of original research and you're starting to outline that before you even send that out to the editor, you can understand, oh, this topic could go more in depth on. And the format of that could be a podcast episode because we have this podcast or it could be a blog or it could be a framework. It's just like I kind of talk about like putting on X ray vision goggles and being able to see what are those things that can come out of that. And again, that can start in the outline phase to know what those things are you want to do. This is something I did at TechSmith when we did original research. This is something I did at Metadata when we had original research. And it's just being able to take that stuff and the reason you want to take it from cornerstone to core is because honestly, and then to cut is it gives you an excuse to then get that back out to your audience in a different way. And so it's not just hey, did you see our original research report on X, Y and Z? It's oh hey, we're doing a webinar where we're breaking down the exact numbers of how to do blah blah, blah blah. And it's just like coming up with a new way to frame that out. And then obviously once you have a podcast, you can cut the clips off of it. Once you have a blog post, you can take things out of the blog and share those out on social. Same with the webinar. And so being able to take those things and build them out that way. [00:12:42] Ramli John: What I love about this is that it seems like it's broken down by level of available time. So cut it will be somebody who's really a patient. They only have maybe 30 seconds and 1 minute. So let them get drawn into the very cornerstone content that you have by bringing them something short form. Same with core. An episode is a podcast episode could be shorter or a little long, but a Cornerstone content might take some time to really digest. So I guess if you think about it like a menu, like the cutest, like the appetizer. Yeah, the cord is sort of the main dish. I'm messing this up, but I hope people get it when they're hearing this where you're kind of drawing them to this Cornerstone piece. It is almost like a web that trying to draw them into the center, the Cornerstone essentially. [00:13:40] Justin Simon: And I think the other thing too, that and this is a different way to think about content marketing because I think smart marketers are starting to think this way. Whereas traditionally we gated those ebooks or we gated that research because we wanted to keep it closed off and we wanted to somehow use that email address to then nurture. Whereas how I like to think about it is using those cut pieces of content to do the nurturing for you. So I don't necessarily care if somebody even reads the entire report if they got value out of that one stat that came from our report and then they get another value out of the blog post that they read three months down the road and they get more value from. So it's like creating this web of content and properly distributing that out. So where again, I don't have to necessarily be concerned that somebody is hitting the post because by repurposing that content properly, I know I'm going to get coverage across the distribution channels that I put that on so I can get eyeballs on the message that I want to share. I can become known as the authority in that space because they can see that, oh man, they're talking about their original research that they do, the survey that they posted all the time, they have the information on this and you start to become an authority in that space that way. [00:15:04] Ramli John: And the other thing I love that the other thing is, might be targeting different like an audience per se. Somebody who is into research might be more analytical part of your audience and somebody whose YouTube shorts might be short attention span versus somebody who listened to podcasts, might listen to it at the gym. And you're talking about this coverage, but you're also covering the different ways people want to consume their content. So it's actually really catering to your audience so that some people like to read, some people like to watch videos, some people like to listen to podcasts and you're really catering to how they want to consume that piece of content rather than making it one size fits all, essentially. [00:15:52] Justin Simon: Yeah, totally. And the thing I love about the three C content method is traditionally you do think about it going like top down, but I also love using the three C content method to go bottom up. So using social content as validation to then create your bigger pieces of content. And a great example of this is I think in December I had this social post that I was like, okay, if I were to do a content strategy in 2023, here's what I'd do. I'd start a show, I do this, I do that, and I broke it all down into seven steps. Did very, very well on LinkedIn and I was like, that's kind of an interesting topic. Like clearly people are interested in that. So from there I took that topic and broke it down one by one in my newsletter. And so I talked about it on my newsletter and then later in the year when I started the podcast, I took that newsletter and I repurposed that into a podcast and use that as the basis of the outline for the show and talk through each and everything. So it's like you can go top bottom and be able to work that up from getting social validation that this is something your audience is already interested in and then just expand on it from there. [00:17:03] Ramli John: Interesting. What I'm hearing is it's almost testing out the piece. It's almost like a minimum viable content to make sure that it resonates with your audience first before producing a podcast episode. Takes more work than just writing a piece of LinkedIn post and you're like, validating that. Yes, this is something that my audience would find valuable. So that's essentially what you're talking about there? [00:17:31] Justin Simon: Yes, absolutely. Use your social channels, use email, use these other things that you can kind of grab some validation even if it's around a core idea. It doesn't have to be sort of like broken out like I had it there, but just like, man, every time, honestly, this is how a lot of the distribution and repurposing stuff started for me to talk about it. Because every time I would talk about it, people would be interested in like, oh, nobody's really talking about this. And so it's like I just naturally just started to work my way down that path and be able to really dive in and understand how I was doing that and just share out kind of the results I was seeing.
[00:18:06] Strategies for Cornerstone Content and Repurposing
[00:18:06] Ramli John: Makes sense in terms of frequency. How would you suggest that for a content or marketing team? Like, I'm guessing that those cornerstone ones would be less frequent than cuts. Is there any time frame suggestion you would have once a quarter you'll have a cornerstone or some kind of like rule of thumb or it might also depend on a case to case basis as well. [00:18:29] Justin Simon: Yeah, roughly. I like to say like once a quarter, I think more realistically for companies, honestly, they probably could get by with like twice a year if they did one really big thing in the spring, one really big thing in the fall. They could probably get by with that if they were cutting it up. Because what I like to do too, when I sit down and work with a team, I like to look at and start with the distribution channels to even understand how many lanes of the highway do you have? What are you actively doing right now? Right, because what I don't want to do is necessarily just say, hey, we've got to produce a new cornerstone piece of content every quarter and then again not have enough distribution to even get that out in front of the audience. So I like to work with teams and understand how they're posting, what they're working on, how are they interacting with their audience, and then from there, being able to go from there. But I think for most teams, you could probably get by with, like I said, once or twice a year on a cornerstone piece, and then if you're breaking those out into kind of weekly blog posts or what those rhythms are, and then daily social and things like that, you can start to see how those cuts actually transform into each other. [00:19:44] Ramli John: Totally love that.
[00:19:45] Choosing the Right Channel for Your Content Marketing Efforts
[00:19:45] Ramli John: I think you mentioned that there where you mentioned something interesting there around trying to figure out what are the channels that team has first. One of the problems I have is I often want to do all of them and then I'm looking at your three C is like yes, I want to do original research, I want to do podcasts, I want to do YouTube videos, I want to do YouTube shorts, videos, emails, everything. But you're saying, hey, let's figure that out first before do you have any tips there or what would be your advice for figuring out which of those channels you want to pursue with a team that you're working with? [00:20:21] Justin Simon: Yeah, I think some of its competency and some of its competency, some of its passion. So like for instance, YouTube is an easy one, right? Like if you don't have anybody who really is passionate or knows video or YouTube or search maybe don't bother with that at this point because you don't have anybody that's really going to be able to necessarily figure that out unless there is somebody on your team who wants to manage that. On the flip side, something like LinkedIn is a little bit more low barrier to entry in terms of it's not Twitter. You don't need to support a feed all day long and tweet ten times a day to keep up in the feed. If you post once it'll kind of like carry out and then it's more about networking. And so for me I think it's trying to figure out what capacity you have as far as people who can actually own it. And then I always say start with one. I mean, it's the most common advice, but pick one and get really good at one. Because the things you learn on Twitter will probably transfer over in some way, shape or form over to LinkedIn. And honestly, those things can transfer over into YouTube and podcasting too, because the same elements you need to write a really good hook are not all that different than the same elements. You need to write a really good title or come up with topics and things to create. And so once you get into that rhythm of being able to do something really really well, I mean I would rather have a solid audience on one platform than have bad audiences across several, you know what I mean? And I think that there's just opportunity cost of doing all those things. So you know, like go in and audit a company's social and you'll see well they are posting on Instagram but it's two likes for every post. They're not really getting any traction, they haven't really gained any subscriber or followers in the last couple of years but they still have to focus on that. Every week they have a line item in their checklist of getting something out on Instagram or Facebook. I mean there's still companies who do like organic Facebook and no traffic, no reach, but they're still spending time trying to figure that out. Whereas if you didn't spend your time doing that, you could maybe go all in on a different channel like email or just something else that might be more productive. [00:22:43] Ramli John: Yeah, that totally makes sense. Something that I'm considering from all work for sure.
[00:22:50] Leveraging AI and Content Distribution for Effective Content Repurposing
[00:22:50] Ramli John: Just something that hit me right now because I've been seeing it on Twitter a lot around like AI. I'm curious what your thoughts are on how AI can help with distribution, especially with repurposing stuff, where maybe you can plug in a blog post and ask Chat GPD to. Have you ever done that? I'm curious. [00:23:12] Justin Simon: Where this blog post? I've monkeyed with it. What I'm learning with Chat GPT is it's all about the prompt. It's all about getting you setting it up for success. Just saying write me a LinkedIn post is not going to be great. I think in the future there's potential for as more of these frameworks come out and be able to build those frameworks into the tool or use particular frameworks into the tool and teach the AI. Hey, when I say I want this turned into a zero click piece of content that starts with a really good hook, and this is what a really good hook is, but you have to work it down that path to get it to be smart enough to do some of that. I like it for take a look at this blog post and pull out the top interesting points out of this post. Or I like that, take a look at this transcript and give me the subtopics that are in it. Or I like to use it for ideation to understand. And that's how some of that can come up because that's how I then get more core pieces of content or more cut pieces of content to be able to come up with something interesting to write on that makes sense. [00:24:29] Ramli John: I was just curious because I'm seeing people using it for creating outlines or just creating a rough draft with that. I'm curious, you already gave an example of that three C method earlier with your LinkedIn post. Is there any other example that you've used this methodology in the real world that you can share with the audience? [00:24:56] Justin Simon: For sure, yeah. When I was at TechSmith, we did a video viewer study that essentially so TechSmith, we made video editing software and so we just did a survey, surveyed an audience, surveyed our audience and got their video viewing habits. So things like what made you stop watching a video, what things made you really interested in watching a video and just broke all these things down, took that data, had a huge professional subset of folks look at it and build out that content. But once we had the content back then, what I did, I literally have it in a notebook somewhere. It's probably over my bookshelf where I went through it and wrote down all of the interesting headlines out of it. And so it was like, why people stop watching video? That's interesting. The five things you need for video SEO. That's kind of interesting. Like just kind of taking out the different pieces. And then from there, we created a ton of blog posts off of that content, and we created podcast episodes that broke down those cuts. So we might have the data, but then we would take that and create a podcast episode where we're breaking down the data and talking about it and having a conversation about it. Or we would take it and have a webinar where it was a standalone thing and we were just going to talk about one of those things. So that's probably the best example of taking a cornerstone piece of content and breaking it out in that way. And that's the thing too. I think sometimes when people talk about distribution or distribution in this way, it can be like, SEO isn't really thought of, but SEO, SEO, google is just a distribution channel. If you think about Google as just another distribution channel, you can use SEO to your advantage. Like SEO can still be to the advantage. So when we're creating these topics and coming up with those topics, it's pulling out maybe the interesting headlines, but then going back and saying like, is anybody searching around this topic? Oh, okay, they are. So let's use our data to then support that topic and start to rank for those things.
[00:27:03] The 3 C Methodology: How to Improve Video Marketing
[00:27:03] Justin Simon: What makes a good YouTube thumbnail? We now have, based on our survey, six criteria that makes a good YouTube thumbnail that we could do. So it's like you can come up with those type of topics that pull off of that. [00:27:14] Ramli John: That makes sense. You brought it up. [00:27:17] Justin Simon: What is the six YouTube YouTube? [00:27:20] Ramli John: Oh, I don't know. [00:27:21] Justin Simon: It's been years. It's been years and I'm sure they've changed at this point. [00:27:26] Ramli John: Yeah, probably. I was just super curious about that. I'm trying to get into doing more YouTube videos, but that's super, super interesting. Thanks for sharing that. I really do appreciate you sharing about this three C methodology that you've been working on.
[00:27:40] Content Repurposing Roadmap: Tips for Career Power-ups
[00:27:40] Ramli John: I want to shift gears now and talk about career power ups. You've been in marketing, content marketing now for over a decade. I'm curious what's really helped you accelerate your career? Now you're doing your own thing. What are some things that helped you throughout your career? [00:28:00] Justin Simon: Yeah, I think the biggest thing early in my career was being able to be a junior kind of content person and do a whole bunch of different things. And so I got to write emails, I got to write web copy, I got to build web pages, I got to write ad copy. So I got to do a whole bunch of different aspects in content. And honestly, got to do that for years before I started narrowing down and really kind of niching down into what I wanted. To do. So I think being more broad early on to know that even if you're not the one that has to do it, to understand okay, and be able to have that conversation with your paid ads expert to say, okay, how are we going to work together as a demand generating content? How are we going to work together to really run a really efficient marketing program? Or how am I going to work with Devs to get the website to be created in graphics and all that type of thing. So really being able to be multifaceted in that way and then a level up from there, which has helped me to kind of start my own business is understanding larger facets of the organization besides just marketing. Because that's one of those areas where it's really easy to only understand what your niche is and what your area is and why that matters. But unless you understand why the product team cares about X, Y and Z thing and how you can help them or what does the CFO care about or how does sales use this stuff that you're working with and being able to communicate with all of those different people, it's going to be really hard for you to make traction and help grow the. [00:29:45] Ramli John: That makes sense. I forgot who mentioned it. I think it was April Denford who mentioned it to me. [00:29:50] Justin Simon: Like one of her career power ups. [00:29:52] Ramli John: Is stop thinking about marketing beyond it. Like thinking about it in the market and then making sure that you're seeing how it's affecting other teams. Really love that.
[00:30:03] Justin Simon on Curiosity and Self-Learning in Marketing Career
[00:30:03] Ramli John: One final question in terms of if you can travel back in time, send a message through time to the younger version of Justin. I love this question. It's like time travel. What is this now? [00:30:15] Justin Simon: Sci-fi? [00:30:16] Ramli John: But what would be a piece of advice that you would share that younger version of Justin who might be just starting out in marketing, not even maybe sure about what he wants to do at that moment? [00:30:28] Justin Simon: I would tell younger me to stay curious and take learning into your own hands. So don't rely on the company to get you where you want to be or the work you're doing at the company to get you where you want to be. You have to go out on your own and learn those things. And it took me a long time to kind of realize that. But as soon as I started to kind of take my career and my sort of growth plan into my own hands, I was able to really learn and grow at a ten x rate. Because I could watch a series of YouTube videos and start implementing that on something, or I could read a blog post and try to implement that. I remember one time I was listening to a podcast coming into work about how to get in a featured snippet in Google at the time. This is like 2016. And I came into work and I implemented it. And then by lunchtime, I was able to show our VP like, hey, look, we now own this snippet. And she was like, how did you do that? And I was like, oh, funny thing. I was just listening to this podcast on the way into work and then just tried to implement it. So I think taking those things in your hand, being curious and trying to learn those new aspects of marketing, new aspects of the business, I think just being never ending curiosity is probably the biggest lesson that I would tell myself. I totally love that. [00:32:02] Ramli John: Especially that story. Coming to work on a future Snippet. That's really cool.
[00:32:12] Maximizing Your Content's Reach through Repurposing and Distribution
[00:32:12] Ramli John: In terms of, like, you said you listen to podcasts. Like, where else do you like learning about marketing? Like newsletters, podcasts, videos? Like, what are some things that you're learning more about marketing these days? [00:32:26] Justin Simon: I think for me, I've become like just such a YouTube junkie. I just think there's something like you said, everybody kind of learns differently. And for me, it's been like this evolution of blogging was I used to love to read blogs, and now it's just not part of my workflow. Like, I just typically don't read that many blog posts. And I still listen to a fair amount of podcasts but don't have a commute anymore. And so I don't listen to them as much. But I do watch a ton of YouTube videos. Whether it's shorts, whether YouTube's smart enough to get you in that sort of algorithm, and they figure out what you like to watch and they're going to keep serving you it up. But yeah, I think there's so much actionable, practical advice, and I love being able to see it and see people talk about it. That's helpful for me to learn to go through and be like, oh, I see what they did there. That's how they're doing that. One of my favorites is Chris Doe over. I say it all the time, but Chris Doe is so good. And honestly, even just reverse for me, like reverse engineering how they repurpose their content and how they distribute that content. Just go look at Chris Doe and what they do with their podcast and how they get that stuff out there. You'll be inspired. [00:33:44] Ramli John: So funny. Yeah, Chris Doe is so good. He's big on Instagram too, with this carousel stuff that he repurposes some of his content, then he does his workshop. Any other channels that you watch? You said you binge a bunch of other channels he might even related to marketing at all. It's sometimes great to watch non marketing stuff just to analyze how try to figure out how they're doing what they're doing. [00:34:13] Justin Simon: I watch two. I love to cook, and so I watch a lot of cooking channels. Like, Joshua Weissman is like a huge YouTuber. And there's a couple of other ones that I watch there, but I like to kind of see, like you said, that is interesting. You bring that up because it brings up or I was really into car videos. I'm not even a car person, but I was really into these car videos. Like just watching people fix their cars and do different things. I was like, this is so fascinating. But it does give you ideas for content from time to time to where you can be like, oh, they're just breaking down X, Y and Z thing. That's kind of cool. Like, I could do that, like break down different pieces of content this way or break, you know, for for whatever the business is. I do get super inspired by by watching those those different pieces of content. [00:35:02] Ramli John: That's true, that makes sense. It's fascinating that you're talking about this YouTubers and it seemed like they're distributing their content. A lot of them are distributing the content already really well with shorts. And then they probably haven't some of them have newsletter like Chris. Same with Travel YouTuber that I follow. Karen, Nate, it seems like video is such a good platform medium to repurpose. Is that an observation that makes sense. [00:35:31] Justin Simon: Or is totally off base? No, I think it makes a ton of sense. It's one of the main reasons why I love podcasts. Honestly, I'm serious when I say this. If I was a company starting a content or rethinking their content strategy in 2023, I would start with a show or a podcast because I think there's so much value in video because you get like you talked about earlier. I don't ever want to assume my audience has to consume my content in one way, shape or form. So by cutting that up into a million different ways, they can consume it however they want. They can listen to the podcast, they can read the newsletter, they can watch the YouTube video. Eventually they can follow me on different social media and they can get that same idea or that content cut up into a million different ways. And it's interesting. I'm going to have somebody on my show distribution first coming up and we're going to actually talk about some of that with YouTube and with creators. Because I think creators are the perfect place to look at how to properly distribute content because they don't even think about it probably as like content distribution. They're just like, this is how I get my content out into the world. Whereas marketers, it's like, oh, we have this thing and we call it distribution and we tack it on at the end of our content strategy. And it's like, creators, it's just what they do. They could not survive if they didn't get their content in front of the audience. That's true, right? [00:36:59] Ramli John: Because they're so dependent on that CPM that advertisers where the more they distribute in different channels, the more they can charge, essentially. So they're really thinking about how can I make as much money versus like, sometimes B, two B marketers are so stuck on, oh, let's just rank on this thing, versus let's get to close it. [00:37:22] Justin Simon: It's a different mentality of getting your audience onto your website versus just getting eyeballs and getting attention. I feel like that's a very different thing. Whereas the creator doesn't really care necessarily. Maybe they care that they watch the long form video for X, Y and Z reasons, but like shorts and TikTok and all these other areas that they can get that message out. Like you said, it's all about impressions. It's getting more eyeballs. We've all seen in whatever your niche is that you enjoy following, there's that person or those few people where you're just like, I see them everywhere now. They're everywhere. How are they doing that? And it's by distribution. It's by getting their content out in front of their audience all the time. [00:38:07] Ramli John: Well, I hope you are as inspired as I am to repurpose my content more after hearing my discussion with Justin can learn more about Justin's work with his podcast, distributionfirst Co, as well as his work@justinsimon.com, all of those links in the show notes and description below.
[00:38:24] Marketing Powerups Podcast: Justin Simon Discusses Content Repurposing Roadmap
[00:38:24] Ramli John: Thank you to Justin for being on the show. If you enjoyed this episode, you'd love the Marketing Powerups newsletter. Share the actual takeaways and break down the frameworks of world class marketers. You can go to marketingpowerups.com subscribe and you'll instantly unlock the three best frameworks that top marketers use, hit their KPIs consistently, and wow their colleagues. I want to say thank you to you for listening and please like and follow Marketing Powerups on YouTube, Apple Podcast and Spotify. To feel like extra generous, kindly leave a review on Apple podcast and Spotify and leave a comment on YouTube. Goes a long way in others finding out about Marketing Powerups. Thanks to Mary Sullivan for creating the artwork and design. And thank you to Fisal Kygo for editing the intro video. And of course, thank you for listening. For now, have a powered update.