Amanda Natividad's webinar-to-blog content strategy

Marketing Powerup #19: Amanda Natividad, VP of Marketing at SparkToro, shares her process for turning SparkToro's popular office hours into A-plus blog post.

Great content is like an amazing dish—it’s meant to be remixed and shared!

That means a great blog post should also be:

  • Visualized and explained in a webinar.
  • Rewritten as a Twitter thread.
  • Discussed in a podcast.

Doing so makes it easy for people to consume your content how they want to—whether attending a live webinar or listening to a podcast while at the gym.

That’s exactly the content strategy that , VP of marketing at SparkToro and creator of  newsletter, uses to maximize the reach of the content she creates.

Today, Amanda discusses how she repurposes SparkToro’s popular office hour webinars attended by thousands of marketers into blog posts.

She even believes that starting with a webinar before writing a blog post might be better:

“As you’re presenting your ideas, you can pick up on how the audience are reacting. For example, people in the chat might be saying, ‘Oh, that’s a really good example.’ They could even tell you if they’re confused. Those things give you clue to improve your content.

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⭐️ SparkToro's webinar-to-blog content strategy

Between coming up with topics, inviting people to register, and dealing with the inevitable last-minute tech issues, webinars are resource-intensive. Getting the most out of them by repurposing them into other formats makes your hard work go a little bit further.

It's exactly what Amanda does with SparkToro's office-hour webinars. She's perfected her webinar-to-blog content strategy into three steps.

1. Create a presentation brief.  🔖

Amanda starts by creating a content brief that includes the following:

  • A thesis, point-of-view, or lesson.
  • Three to five examples or points that support those.
  • If applicable, a description of supporting visuals, data, etc.

This brief becomes the skeleton of the webinar's flow.

2. Gather feedback during the webinar. 🦻

The true benefit of turning a webinar into a blog post is the feedback you get during the live presentation.

Here's how Amanda puts it:

During the webinar, you can pick up on how the audience reacts in the live chat. Are there examples that resonate with them? Is there something that they need clarification on? Are they laughing at your jokes? This valuable feedback can turn your blog post from a B-plus to an A-plus.

For example, Amanda and Rand got great feedback for SparkToro's office hours about cold outreach. During office hours, they used the term "aggregator sources" to describe an entity with numerous relevant information sources. It left many attendees needing clarification. It resonated more with people when they described it as a cluster of relevant information. So, Amanda used the term "cluster sources" in the blog post "Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach."

3. Write the blog post. ✍️

Following the previous step should make writing an A-plus blog post easier. The presentation outline from step one becomes the blog post outline. Amanda also updates the outline using feedback from the audience during the webinar presentation.

She also repurposes as much of the content from the webinar in the blog post, such as:

  • Visuals and graphs from the slides.
  • The full recording and shorter video snippets from the webinar.
  • Links and social posts that the hosts and attendees mentioned in the presentation.

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Amanda goes into more detail about her webinar-to-blog content strategy in the latest episode of the Marketing Powerups show.

You’ll also learn the following:

  1. The benefits of repurposing webinars into blog posts versus the other way around.
  2. The art of coining terms like “zero-click content.”
  3. A resume tip that’s helped Amanda transition from a test kitchen chef to a VP of marketing at a fast-growing startup.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcast and Spotify now, or watch it on YouTube.

As an exclusive free perk for Marketing Powerups subscribers, I’ve created a powerups cheatsheet you can download, fill in, and apply Amanda’s webinar-to-blog content strategy.

You can download and make a copy of it here (a direct link with no email required).

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That’s all for now, friends!

Have a powered-up day,

Ramli John

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    Written by

    Ramli John

    Ramli John

    Ramli John is the founder of Marketing Powerups and author of the bestselling book Product-Led Onboarding. He's worked with companies such as Appcues, Mixpanel, and Ubisoft to accelerate their growth.

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