MP#032: The perfect 1-on-1 template for marketing leaders

Marketing Powerup #32: Manuela Bárcenas, Head of Marketing at, shares the 1-on-1 meeting template she uses for her manager and direct reports.

Today's Marketing Powerups include:

  • Animalz’s guide to AI-generated content.
  • How to make $100K organizing a conference.
  • Unlock the power of YouTube SEO.
  • The perfect 1-on-1 template for marketing leaders.

Ready? Let's go!

🎖 Sponsored powerup

Thank you to our sponsor who keeps the Marketing Powerups newsletter and show free for all of you!

Today’s Marketing Powerups is brought to you by 42/Agency. Founded by my good friend, Kamil Rextin, 42/Agency is my #1 recommended demand gen agency for SaaS to help you drive demos and signups.

They've worked with fast-growing B2B SaaS companies like ProfitWell, Teamwork, Sprout Social, and Hubdoc.

Read some insightful reads in their newsletter 42 Slash, like “Why generic marketing no longer works.”

Then, schedule a free consultation.

🎓 Event powerups

I’m hosting the first-ever live event, Super Smash Marketers, this Wednesday, May 31, at 1 pm ET.

I’ve invited Kevin Indig and Eli Schwartz (hosts of the Contrarian Marketing show) to duke it out and share their thoughts on how SEO and content will change with AI.

​In this fun and engaging live show, you'll learn from these two experts:

  1. ​What does the future of SEO look like?
  2. ​What are the limitations of using AI for SEO and content?
  3. ​How do you future-proof your marketing career from AI?

​We'll also have time to answer your questions on air! So have them ready.

What are you waiting for?

Save your spot to get a front-row seat of the first-ever Super Smash Marketer!

✨ Mini powerups

Five fun-sized blurbs and links to help boost your marketing.

Animalz’s guide to AI-generated content:

Will AI replace content marketers? I don’t think so. But it will change how we create, distribute, and promote content differently. This survival guide from Animalz is your one-stop resource for using AI in your content marketing, building an AI tool stack, and standing out from AI copycat content.

How to use AI to edit content:

While it’s not replacing 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 editors soon, AI can transform good editors into more efficient editors. Tommy Walker (Former Editor-In-Chief at Shopify Plus) shares the four types of editing and how AI can assist you at each stage. He gives ChatGPT prompts to identify strengths, weaknesses, and improvement suggestions.

How Justin Welsh reached $4M in revenue and 94% margins:

Justin Welsh shows 20 steps he took to create a profitable solopreneur business in 1,352 days without running ads. Even if you don’t want to become a one-person business owner like Justin, you can glean marketing tips from how he built awareness for his work and monetized eyeballs into loyal customers.

How to make $100K organizing a conference:

In-person events are back! In fact, I attended my first one a few weeks ago after things shut down three years ago. Suppose your company is considering hosting an in-person event or conference this year. In that case, this guide from Noah Kagan on how he made $100k organizing a conference is both insightful and actionable. My favorite tip: “DON'T SH*T your pants if you have only sold 15 tickets and there are 2 weeks left. 80% of sales come in the last 2 weeks of an event.”

How to unlock the power of YouTube SEO:

If you didn’t know, I’ve been producing and publishing YouTuber-style videos like “The Genius Behind MrBeast Burger’s Marketing” on the Marketing Powerups YouTube channel. This write-up by Anna Sonnenberg lists the steps to do keyword research and optimize your video for YouTube SEO.

📰 Newsletter powerup

Another marketing newsletter that will powerup your marketing.

Why We Buy is a newsletter by my good friend Katelyn Bourgoin. She shares buyer psychology tips to help powerup your marketing.

The latest one about the “Got Milk?” marketing playbook is pure gold! Using the “trigger event” psychology principle, milk sales went up by 7%!

If you do subscribe, tell Katelyn I sent you, will ya? 😄

⭐️ The perfect 1-on-1 template for marketing leaders

One of the most important meetings you can have is having 1-on-1’s with your manager.

Get it right, and you’ll have an ally rooting for your work, a mentor who will help you level up your career, and a problem solver who will help you find solutions.

That's what Manuela Bárcenas, Head of Marketing at, found:

A common that I've seen in 1-on-1 meetings is spending the whole 1-on-1 talking about status updates like, "Hey, Manuela, how's it going with Project X?" Instead, people should be asking about roadblocks or challenges.

Today she’ll be sharing her perfect 1-on-1 templates for marketing leaders.

A marketing leader must have a strong relationship with your manager. One crucial way to foster this relationship is through effective one-on-one meetings. These meetings are an opportunity to discuss progress, goals, and challenges and share feedback and insights.

"Managing up is a skill that everyone should learn and master in their careers or aim to master. As a marketer, it's essential to advocate for your work and showcase your wins not only with your boss but also with the rest of the company."

To have a productive one-on-one meeting with your manager, Manuela recommends figuring out how your manager likes to communicate and then adapting your style to match.

Here's a breakdown of Manuela's perfect 1-on-1 template for marketing leaders:

1. Updates 👋🏽

The first section of the meeting should be dedicated to updates. This can include team news, personal life stuff, or anything worth discussing. As Manuela suggests, "treat your manager as a human being, and don't just talk about work. Share things that are going on in your life."

2. Brainstorm 💡

The second section of the meeting should be dedicated to challenges you can brainstorm with your manager. According to Manuela, this is the perfect time to discuss anything on your mind and get your manager's input. "This is an opportunity to get another perspective and to work through any challenges you're facing," she says.

3. Talking Points 💬

The third section of the meeting should be dedicated to any other topics you need to discuss with your manager. This can be anything from updates on ongoing projects to feedback you've received from other teams or even suggestions for improving communication processes.

4. Async 👀

The fourth section of the meeting should be dedicated to any insights and updates that can be consumed asynchronously. According to Manuela, this can include "lessons you've learned or articles you've read that are interesting." Sharing these insights can help keep your manager informed and up-to-date on the latest industry trends.

5. Goal Check-In 🎯

The fifth and final section of the meeting should be dedicated to progress on objectives and key results. This is the perfect time to review your goals and discuss any obstacles preventing you from achieving them. Manuela suggests to “make sure you're tracking progress and that you're clear on what success looks like."

The powerups cheatsheet 🔖

As an exclusive free perk for Marketing Powerups subscribers, I’m giving away a powerups cheatsheet of Manuela’s 1-on-1 template for marketing leaders.

You can download and make a copy of it here (a direct link with no email required).

If you want to dig deeper into this framework, I had Manuela on the Marketing Powerups show. You’ll also learn the following from our conversation:

  1. Mistakes to avoid during one-on-one meetings
  2. How to own your career
  3. The importance of having a growth mindset
  4. How to overcome imposter syndrome

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcast and Spotify now, or watch it on YouTube.

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That’s all for now, friends!

Have a powered-up day,

Ramli John

Say hello on LinkedIn and Twitter

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    Written by

    Ramli John

    Ramli John

    Ramli John is the founder of Marketing Powerups and author of the bestselling book Product-Led Onboarding. He's worked with companies such as Appcues, Mixpanel, and Ubisoft to accelerate their growth.

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